Most Beautiful Cafes in Gyeongju

As Gyeongju is a small city, I didn’t have as high expectations for its café culture, however I was rather surprised to find tons of cafes not only in the central touristy area. Keep in mind that most cafes here open quite late (usually no earlier than 11am) and close quite early (after 8pm you will have very limited options).

As with other smaller cities, not all cafes are listed on Google maps. I am providing both Google and Naver links, when available.

Old City Area

  • Olivee (Olive on Naver) – this café is at the heart of the touristy area. It has spacious seating inside, as well as in the yard. Their coffee was great.
  • Café Ohi (Ohai on Naver) – this café is known for its views. Order your drink downstairs and head right up to the third floor, where you will find the terrace with lovely views around the Gyeongju old city. Their coffee was good, particularly the special one.


  • Hulimmog (Hulimmok on Naver) – I loved this place. First of all, it’s the old style building with cute yard, but most importantly they have absolutely delicious fluffy pancakes. I ordered Tiramisu one and got it with a small cup of very strong coffee. I couldn’t get enough of it.


Cafes we didn’t have time to visit, but will next time:

  • Café Eero (Iiro on Naver) – we didn’t get a chance to check this one out, but the coffee and sweets look cool and it has a nice interior.
  • Kapesol (Café Sol on Naver) – this café has spacious garden area. I am going there first during my next visit 😊
  • Bichkkuli (Bit Kkuri on Naver) – traditional teahouse
  • Starbucks Gyeongju (Naver link) – I don’t usually recommend for anyone to visit Starbucks anywhere outside the US and besides I don’t like their coffee, but this starbucks is located in the old building and is quite a sight because of that. I haven’t tried their coffee, but I heard that Starbucks in Korea has better coffee, as is standard elsewhere. There is also another Starbucks slightly outside the old town.
  • Misil café (Naver link)
  • Yangji coffee shop (Naver link) – this was on my list for their fluffy pancakes, but I tried them elsewhere and simply couldn’t more, or I would 😀 It’s also a cute place and very central.


Near Bulguksa Temple

This is quite an unlikely place for so many cafés, as there is nothing else around except the Bulguksa temple. However, there’s the whole area with a couple dozen cafes and some restaurants. You find quite a few cute cafes here, if you just walk around.

  • Café Old city (Naver link) – we stumbled upon this cute place while walking to pass time before the bus to Seokuram grotto would arrive (it runs only once an hour, so if you miss one, you have a lot of time on your hands to kill). The environment is very lovely, with wooden doors designed in Korean style. Their coffee was good too.


Cafes we didn’t have time to visit, but will next time:

Bomun Lake Area and Nearby

This area is becoming more and more popular especially with tourists during the cherry blossom season. You will find quite a few cafes while walking along the lakeside.

  • Café Matinata (Naver link) – this place is quite small but very cutely decorated. If you sit in its small yard you will be surrounded by trees and if it’s the cherry blossom time, it looks lovely. The coffee was honestly not good at all, but the environment made up for it 😊


Cafes we didn’t have time to visit, but will next time:

Bonus: Bakeries

Gyeongju is known for its various types of pastries.

I did like their cheesy pastries which usually has 10 written on it. Hubby wasn’t a fan. We tried it at two locations. You can find them every step of the way, so just choose one.

None of us were a fan of the sweets filled with beans. They were extremely sugary and we couldn’t go on after one bite.

Here are a few popular bakeries, but I believe you can try any of them to get the local taste. We just wandered into a couple:

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Julija

    Hi! I love your blog posts about Korea! I am travelling there myself mid-march until start of april. When did you go? You seem to be wearing pretty light clothes already! I really don’t know what to pack and expect haha. Best regards, Julija

    1. Ket

      Hi, we were there from March 29 to 13 April dates last year. Actually at the start of our trip the weather was very nice, then we got one very bad rainy day and after that, it became colder. But overall, we were pretty lucky with weather. We still carried a thinner coat most of the time, as mornings and evenings were cold. For your dates at the start it might be colder but you should be able to catch cherry blossoms 🙂 I am usually a sun girl and hate cold, so for that time I would take a mix of somewhat lighter clothes with a few warmer things. You will also get a better idea closer to the date by monitoring the forecast. But if you need to, you can buy additional things in Uniqlo for instance. It’s decently priced. Have fun planning 🙂

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